Modern Mindfulness Podcast

Ep. 73 : You Are Not Stuck, It's Just Stuck Energy

Rebekka Mars Season 4 Episode 73

Today's episode was inspired by a morning bout of stuckness and the big, important reminder always of : YOU ARE NOT STUCK.

You may have some stuck or clogged energy, but YOU are NOT stuck.

Various symptoms or descriptions of "stuck energy may be overwhelm, lack of clarity/loss of purpose, overwhelm, anxiety, depression and while these are all very real things and feelings, they, too, are just energy.

When you say, "I'm stuck" or "I feel anxious" what else shows up?  Beginning to know what the body may "say" or show in response is a beautiful first/next step.

THIS is energy and energy is morph-able and moveable.  While you are energy, so are these blocks.  They can and will move when you're ready.  The only way out isn't necessarily through... Tune in and hear more notes on what can help to move you through any stuck-ness along some other timeless, helpful, life tips.

>> If you're looking to clear these energies out of your mind/body/life, LIT Living group or solo coaching may be for you.  More on LIT group here or share more here to find the best fit.

referenced : episode 17 : You are Energy - How to Flow with the Energetics of Expression/Depression


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Hey everyone. Welcome back to the Modern Mindfulness Podcast. It's me, Rebekka here. And I wanted to share another solo cast with you today. Just me and my mic and another one, because just last week I released. A solo cast called The Secret of Life, and in case you didn't catch that one, it seems to be quite the crowd favorite, so thank you all, those of you that have sent me messages and notes and all the ways that you really liked that last solo cast.

Thank you. And those of you that didn't catch it yet, it's there. And I mean, it's the secret of life. So who doesn't want to know that? Anyway, today I was inspired by my morning writer's block or creator's block or even just a block and I wanted to share a quick but powerful reminder around feeling stuck.

And the main reminder is that You are not stuck. You may have stuck energy inside of you, but you yourself are not stuck. And I will, I'm like waving my hand in the air here, I will admit, I definitely go through those moments where I say the words, I'm stuck, I'm feeling stuck. Just remembering it's clogged energy.

This is stuck energy. It's not actually who you are. So even just changing the words when you might proclaim things like that, like, Oh, I'm stuck. Like, no, you're actually not stuck. Maybe you feel stuck energy inside of you. And I found that. Other characteristics of stuckness, it can feel all sorts of ways, but all also very similarly, just that blocked energy feeling, feeling kind of stuck feet in mud or foggy vision.

Some other symptoms people might describe like overwhelm, lack of clarity, just this misunderstanding or lack of direction, that fogginess, even anxiety and depression can leave. Maybe you or people, myself included, feeling stuck. Like, with energy, ready to go, but then not really sure what move to make, what's the right thing to do, what do I want to do, like all the things.

However your dialogue might be, I'm guessing you can relate of just feeling stuck. The only way out of stuckness isn't necessarily through it. Depending on the state of your nervous system, sometimes to barge right into these sorts of symptoms or energies isn't always the best. And so even just pausing on that for a moment, if you've felt things like anxiety, if you've felt things like depression, and I have a past episode on the energies.

of anxiety, depression. I'll put that in the show notes if you're curious. But sometimes these energies, while some coaches and therapists and whatever, all the people will suggest like, okay, you just got to go through, the only way out is through. Like, yes, but the approach can be different and I think needs to be different depending on the person, depending on the actual present energy, depending on, you know, what else is going on there.

And so for you to first just really own. You as a unique human and ball of energy and layers of layers of life experiences and things that you do have to treat even these moments of feeling stuck in like a real special, unique way and knowing that just because someone else might be able to just push through, you may not.

It could actually have the adverse effect and make the stuckness even more extreme. Instead of just barging through things, like feeling stuck, slowly sensing the edges of the energy of whatever descriptions, and with safe, steady time, you might see what is ready to loosen and release. So an example could be like right now.

Take a couple breaths and just notice when you say, I'm stuck. I'm stuck. Like, what is that exactly? Where do you feel it in your body?

For me right now, I can feel it a little in my chest. I can feel it across my forehead. Like there's just so many thoughts. They want to come out and they don't know where to go. I actually don't know what it would be like to barge through that. Like, those people giving the advice out there like, just go, just do it, get out of your comfort zone.

Like, I get it. But like right now, that doesn't help me at all. So, just take, That in for yourself and notice what's true for you. Maybe it's opposite of me for me Then it's like okay. The next step would be to like feel the ground and just feel my body Notice where the stuckness or anxiousness is Anything else that shows up and just being with it, even if it's just for like two seconds just beginning to know what the body may say or show in response to just tuning in around the stuck energy.

It's a beautiful first or maybe next step. And in a way, that's it. Like this is energy. These feelings in your body or your mind, it's energy and energy is morphable and movable. And while you are energy, So are these blocks and they can and they will move when you're ready. Now on the flip side and What I actually ended up doing today Because in a way what I did was try to push through and then I realized it's not gonna move and I took some notes And I jotted a few words down, but it was just that level of like stuckness in my head You know what I did?

Well, I was already listening to music, but I haven't done this in probably ,  um, unless dancing in your car counts, like to get up on my feet and dance, like fully dance, I haven't done it in months. And if you know me at all, you know, I like going to cycle class. I like to run. So I do move my body in vigorous ways, but to just dance is a little bit different.

So I cranked up the ODESZA radio and I just moved and I jumped and I moved in all different ways and I shook my hands and I rolled out my shoulders and my body and. just let my body move. And while that's kind of like a middle way of doing it where like sitting, breathing, just feeling in a slow way is maybe one end of the spectrum of like moving energy and then just pushing through might be the other end of the spectrum for moving through energy.

I felt like the dancing was somewhere, like, kind of in the middle, blending it, where I felt for, like, little moments throughout the dancing, I shook, I breathed, it was kind of fiery, but I wasn't trying to push through anything, I was just trying to move it, and allowing it to move, maybe not use the T word, try, I was allowing it to move, and I was letting the music move me, because you know what else is energy?

Music. You know what else is energy? Looking outside. Getting in nature. You know what else is energy? Like, all sorts of things. So you can move energy to move energy, because it's all just energy. And sometimes it's just tapping into, you know, what do you need? And I'm actually preparing a little Instagram post around having your personal blank space.

And blank space doesn't mean literal blank space, though it could. Maybe just staring at the wall, maybe staring at a piece of paper. Staring out the window, that could be blank space, but I'm talking more in this kind of metaphoric way of my blank space today was how do I like take an Etch A Sketch and shake it clean?

How do I do that for my mind body? How do I clear out what's already been written and clear that out so I can just feel literal clarity again? Then to me it was dancing. To me, that blank space was dancing and it happened to be some EDM music, and it could have been anything. You know, what's your music?

What music do you listen to that can just like, wipe the slate clean? Food, what smell, what, you know, what is it? We all have these things that can help bring us level ground, clarity, whatever you might call it. I'm calling it just that blank space. So I know for me, when I'm feeling stuck, first step, I remember that it's just energy.

It's going to move. Sometimes that energy just needs to be seen and held. And sometimes that energy needs a nudge, like dancing or doing something else to kind of move it through. And it's really up to you to take time to understand what your body actually needs in these moments. And sometimes you'll know right away, other times it might be a guessing game, and that's okay too, as long as you just treat yourself with patience and care and just trust that in due time, all the blocks will go because there's no way they can't.

Like, they are just energy, and the only thing that energy does is change. So, just that reminder of, in a way, impermanence. Nothing is permanent, including those feelings of stuck, including those, you know, symptoms, call them, of anxiousness, lack of clarity, disconnect. Like, all of those things might make you feel stuck in a moment, but it's not who you really are.

Who you are is beneath all of that. Who you are is you, that unique constellation of different energies, but energies, light, love, like that's who you are, like the joy, the bliss of this life. A little bit of consciousness tossed in there, your truth, like that's who you are. Being stuck, eh, it's just a word.

It's just a brief phase. So I hope that's been helpful. And let me know, you know, how is your relationship to stock energy? What do you do personally? Reach out, tell me in a story, like, however, I'd love to hear, like, what things you've discovered on your own, because we each have found our own way. I guarantee there's so many beautiful recipes for becoming unstuck out there, just with peers and friends and things.

So, I'd love to hear your take on that. and also I have to remind everyone LIT Living. It's going on August 21st, we kick off. The first call is the 23rd and. It's a lot of this. It's really just taking time to not just understand the body and get to know things like anxiety and blockness in the body mind, but then how to move through them.

And sometimes it is deeper. Sometimes the patterns inside of us will keep us butting against feelings like being stuck. And that is a little deeper than what I'm talking about today. There could be these subconscious patterns. There could be layers of trauma response in the mind body to move through.

You will keep feeling that same block over and over until you get it out there from the roots. You know, we got to get in there a little deeper. And so we do that in Lit. We discover more personal growth strategies, elements of mindset, manifestation, meditation. Physical health is a key component throughout the whole program.

Boundaries. worthiness, really owning your own personal values and passions and what you want to create in this life. Energies like masculine, feminine energies within you. How do you actually create an inner sense of balance? Because whatever is within, it turns into the outside life that you're living.

So really just going through and it's kind of like a full mind, body, soul reboot and also another huge like wave of self actualization, self understanding, which I think is such a gift to have. So I could talk and talk. I'll probably record a quick episode on exactly what Lit is very soon, but you can find all the info below in the show notes.

Early bird is still happening. So I would love to have you in that. And if you wanna do anything else together or even just send a note to me, I've got all that below too. I'm right here. I'm a real person. I love hearing from you. And if you like this episode, let me know. Share it with friends, rate it, review it, follow it, all that stuff.

And I can't even wait. For the next solo cast and I really can't wait to share with you some of these interviews that I have coming up So stay tuned and until next time remember you're just energy. It's all energy. It's always moving, and it's all gonna be alright.